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Detencion ilegal mexicali



The entry into force of the new criminal justice system contemplates the application of justice through an oral and public trial, this is known as the adversarial accusatory system, all with the aim of providing more certainty and confidence in the application of criminal justice, our lawyers are updated and prepared to offer you the best attention in the criminal area in this new era of the administration of justice.

Since 2008, various articles of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States have been reformed, through which the accusatory and oral justice system has been implemented.

The reforms modify the actions of the authorities involved in the country's jurisdictional procedure, requiring a judge for a preliminary stage (as controller of the investigation, who will conclude the procedure derived from agreements between the parties); another, will resolve the matter (in the oral trial). This ensures due legal process and avoids lengthy procedures; in the end, a judge will oversee and control the execution of the sentence.

In our law firm you will find qualified professionals specialized in the new justice system, guaranteeing the best defense of your rights. We have extensive experience in oral trials. Contact us for free legal advice in Mexicali. Call us and schedule an appointment. Trust our criminal lawyers with your legal defense.

Con el sistema penal acusatorio y oral vigente en México, resulta indispensable tener una defensa legal adecuada desde el inicio del juicio. Nuestro equipo está altamente capacitado para representar a nuestros clientes en juicios orales, desarrollando estrategias de defensa basadas en el análisis exhaustivo de los hechos y la evidencia presentada. Hemos obtenido resultados favorables en casos complejos, defendiendo los derechos de nuestros clientes en tribunales de Mexicali y Baja California.


Our criminal lawyers have extensive knowledge of criminal amparo trials to ensure the protection of human rights in the event that any violation of these rights may occur by authorities who issue acts abusing their powers, or omitting them.


Since 2008, various articles of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States have been reformed, through which the accusatory and oral justice system has been implemented.

The reforms modify the actions of the authorities involved in the country's jurisdictional procedure, requiring a judge for a preliminary stage (as controller of the investigation, who will conclude the procedure derived from agreements between the parties); another, will resolve the matter (in the oral trial). This ensures due legal process and avoids lengthy procedures; in the end, a judge will oversee and control the execution of the sentence.

In our law firm you will find qualified professionals specialized in the new justice system, guaranteeing the best defense of your rights. We have extensive experience in oral trials. Contact us for free legal advice in Mexicali. Call us and schedule an appointment. Trust our criminal lawyers with your legal defense.

Si durante un proceso penal se han violado tus derechos, como es el caso de detenciones arbitrarias o abusos de autoridad, nuestro despacho de abogados esta listo para actuar mediante la interposicion de un amparo que detenga estos actos y restablezca tus derechos. Nos comprometemos a luchar contra cualquier abuso del poder y a garantizar un proceso justo y transparente para todos nuestros clientes.


Contact us

ABCA Building

Street "A" #335 Second Section

Downtown 21110, Mexicali, Baja California

TEL. (686) 633-8261 CEL. (686) 246-3005

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